About me
I am a Junior Professor working at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oldenburg.
My research interest is algebraic geometry. Some of my present topics are algebraic torus actions, toric degenerations, Cox rings, Fano varieties and resolutions of singularities.
Before I moved to Oldenburg, I was a Margarete von Wrangell fellow
working at the University of Tübingen and a member of the research group in non-linear algebra at the MPI in Leipzig.
You can find my profile on Google Scholar, ResearchGate and on MathSciNet.
Contact information
Institut für Mathematik
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg
Room W01 02-219
E-mail: milena.wrobel[at]uni-oldenburg.de
Research Items
Published / Accepted for publication
- The anticanonical complex for non-degenerate toric complete intersections (with J. Hausen and C. Mauz), Manuscripta Mathematica (2022), 172, 38 pages.
- Smooth Fano intrinsic Grassmannians of type (2,n) with Picard number two (with M. I. Qureshi), International Mathematics Research Notices, IMRN, rnab213 (2021), 36 pages.
- Khovanskii-Finite Valuations, Rational Curves, and Torus Actions (with N. Ilten), Journal of Combinatorial Algebra, Volume 4, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 141 - 166.
- Towards classifying toric degenerations of cubic surfaces (with M. Donten-Bury and P. Görlach), Le Matematiche (Special Issue on Twenty-Seven Questions about the Cubic Surface), Vol 75, No 2 (2020), 537-557.
- Divisor class groups of rational trinomial varieties, Journal of Algebra 542 (2020), 43-64.
- On torus actions of higher complexity (with J. Hausen and C. Hische), Forum of Mathematics, Sigma (2019), Vol. 7, e38, 81 pages.
- On iteration of Cox rings (with J. Hausen), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 222 (2018), no. 9, 2737-2745.
- Log terminal singularities, platonic tuples and iteration of Cox rings (with I. Arzhantsev, L. Braun and J. Hausen), European Journal of Mathematics 4 (2018), no. 1, 242-312.
- Non-complete rational T-varieties of complexity one (with J. Hausen) Mathematische Nachrichten 290 (2017), no. 5-6, 815-826.
- On a combinatorial description of the Gorenstein index for varieties with torus action (with P. Iber and E. Reinert)
- Markov numbers and rational C*-surfaces (with J. Hausen and K. Király)
- On Fano threefolds with C*-action (with C. Hische)
- On the anticanonical complex (with C. Hische)
- The anticanonical complex for non-degenerate toric complete intersections, Oberwolfach Report 17 (2022).
- The anticanonical complex, Oberwolfach Report 43 (2019).
PhD thesis
In March 2018, I defended my PhD thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. Hausen.
- Structural properties of Cox rings of T-varieties, University of Tübingen, 2018
Organizing activities
- One of the organizers of the conference "Group Actions, Combinatorial Methods, and Fano Varieties" together with Lukas Braun and Hendrik Süß at the University Innsbruck, 2024.
- Organizer of the NoGAGS 2024 (North German Algebraic Geometry Seminar), February 2024.
- Local Organzier of the "Autumn School and Workshop: Singularities and Torus Actions" together with Hendrik Süß at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, September 2023.
- Organizer of a Seminar Afternoon with the subject "Constructive Approaches to Varieties with Group Actions" at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg (Germany), March 2022.
- One of the organizers of the 2019 Meeting of the German Chapter conference of the EWM at MPI MiS, October 2019.
- Organizer of the mentoring program Math Mentoring at the University of Tübingen (April 2019 until September 2019).
Selected Talks
- 2024, April, "Degenerations via the Khovanskii bases based approach and the Cox ring based approach", at the "Non-Linear Algebra seminar" at the MPI MiS Leipzig (Germany).
- 2024, January, "Smooth Fano varieties with torus action of complexity two", at the "Workshop on Torus Actions in Symplectic and Algebraic Geometry" IBS Science Culture Center Daejeon, (Republic of Korea).
- 2023, October, "Intrinsic Grassmannians and their geometry", at the Workshop "Vector bundles and combinatorial algebraic geometry" at the Goethe Univerity Frankfurt am Main (Germany).
- 2023, June, "The anticanonical complex for non-degenerate toric complete intersections", at the "Intercity Number Theory Seminar" Groningen (Netherlands).
- 2022, September, "The anticanonical complex - a combinatorial tool for Fano varieties", at the Conference "Geometry meets Combinatorics in Bielefeld" at the University Bielefeld (Germany).
- 2022, April, "The anticanonical complex for non-degenerate toric complete intersections", at the Oberwolfach Workshop on "Toric Geometry“.
- 2022, February, "Intrinsic Grassmannians", at the "Algebra Seminar" at the Universität Jena (Germany).
- 2021, November, "Smooth Fano varieties with torus action of complexity two", at the "Seminar Algebraische Geometrie" at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany).
- 2021, April, "Intrinsic Grassmannians", at the "Seminar Algebraische Geometrie" at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany).
- 2021, February, "Intrinsic Grassmannians", at the "Algebra and Geometry Seminar“ at the Università degli studi di Trieste (Italy).
- 2020, October, "On (singular) arrangement varieties" at the "Algebra Seminar" at the University of Kentucky (USA).
- 2020, July, "Degenerations of varieties with torus action" at the "Workshop on Toric Degenerations" via Zoom (hosted by K. Kaveh, Pittsburgh (PA, USA)).
See here for a complete list.
- Algebra, 2024
- Lineare Algebra, 2023/24
- Einführung in die algebraische Geometrie, 2022.
- Kommutative Algebra, 2021/22.
- Konvexe und Diskrete Geometrie, 2021.
- Darstellungstheorie, 2020/21.
- Themen der algebraischen Geometrie, 2020.
- Kommutative Algebra, 2019/20.
- Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen, 2019.